This is us
Elvina is a global garment supplier, operating with a network of manufacturers in Asia, Turkey, Greece and Eastern Europe. Elvina is based in Athens and runs offices in France and The North of Greece. The company was established in 1984 initially as Textile Agency supervising the productions of ready to wear garments for the benefit of French chain stores. Since then, ELVINA is following the commitment to offer full services to customers, handling the whole supply chain.
Our people are experienced always available and eager to collaborate and serve our customers. They are professionals and multilanguaged having a deep knowledge of garment industry.

What we do
We assist and serve independent fashion brands, e-commerce retailers, fashion groups and clothing departments of supermarkets with their sourcing, design, garment production, transportation, storage and financing requirements, always adjusted to our customers’ needs.
We do jerseys, flat knits and wovens in the whole range of women, kids and men collections.
We handle the whole supply chain from sourcing of the raw materials to the distribution network.
We work with devotion to our partnership customers enhancing quality to every step of manufacturing, ethical making, production timelines, delivery methods, offering all the above in competitive prices.
We work with a manufacturing network targeting on future growth and expansion plans for better and more satisfying collaborations with the customers. We also ensure a successful outcome, managing all the variables of the process.
We have time lasting collaborations with customers from all over the Europe, working with independent manufactures from Greece and Bulgaria to Turkey and Bangladesh.

Our mission
Our mission is always to find productive solutions to our customers in apparel industry with commitment to product quality, easy and fast processes and ethical making. Our aim is to make working in fashion industry an easy and passion driven experience.
Our vision
To provide services following the constant evolutions of the market moving on the edge of the innovation, fulfilling successfully the ongoing new demands of the clients.
To be the interconnection channel between the developing apparel industry and the technologically and ethically evolving manufactures in Europe, Turkey and Asia.
To expand a loyal network of clients by using our ability to react to new trends, technologies, global changes and new demands.